Meal Prepping!

Traveling to Moncton today for the 35th Annual Atlantic Classic Championships. Atlantic's is a regional show where athletes from all of Atlantic Canada come together to compete. I always receive great business from my fellow athletes in this area, so it's been a busy few months preparing their competition suits. I'm very excited to see them grace the stage! Check out my business site at: 

As you guys already know, I'm currently in contest prep for the IFBB Michigan Powerhouse Bikini Pro. Being almost 4 weeks out from the show means no messing around! Meals need to prepared and on hand at all times to avoid emergency situations. I just finished prepping my meals for the rest of today and tomorrow, all portioned and bagged. One of the biggest tips you'll receive from any experience competitor is to be prepared. Staying on track is crucial and it also avoids unnecessary stress.

Be sure to like my business Facebook page, Jaclyn Wilson Couture, to see pics and updates of my clients from this weekend! Enjoy the weekend everyone!



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